Evans Duah Agyeman - Növényvédelmi Intézet
Evans Duah Agyeman
Menü megjelenítése
Evans Duah Agyemang
Evans Duah Agyemang
PhD Student
Festetics Doctoral School, Georgikon campus, Keszthely
Genomics Research Group
Department of Plant Pathology Plant Protection Institute
E-mail: evansagyemang932@gmail.com
Tel.: +36205049591
Gödöllő, Szent-Györgyi Albert street 4, I/, 109. room
Keszthely, Deák Ferenc Street 16.
Telephely címe:
Genomics Research Group
Plant Protection Institute 2100, Gödöllő Szent-Györgyi Albert street 4.
Plant Protection Institute, Georgikon campus
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences,
8360, Keszthely Deák Ferenc Street 16.
Postal address:
Genomics Research Group
MATE, Plant Protection Institute 2100, Gödöllő Szent-Györgyi Albert street 4.
Plant Protection Institute
MATE, Georgikon campus
8360, Keszthely, Deák Ferenc Street 16.
PhD research Topic:
Virus Diagnosis of weeds on crop fields and Investigation of their role as a virus reservoir
Prof. Andras Péter Tackacs and Prof. Éva Varallyay
Publications, scientific metrics:
ORCID: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0001-6836-3586
MTMT: https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/author/10078667?&labelLang=eng
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Evans-Agyemang-2